Khmer Rouge Tribunal Resource Center Launched

Deputy prime minister Vongsey Vissoth visits ECCC's Resource Center. Photo: ECCC

PHNOM PENH – The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) has inaugurated a resource centre for information on the Khmer Rouge tribunal following the completion of judicial proceedings.
The centre is located at ECCC residual premises in Phnom Penh’s 7 Makara district. Its library and research space will be available free of charge to the public from Oct. 2. It opens from 10am to 8pm on work days and 10am to 6pm on weekends and official holidays.
Tony Kranh, acting director of administration of the ECCC, said establishment of the center responded to the need to carry out broad outreach and educational work related to the trial process, open the archives to the public and to monitor the implementation of projects that have been awarded to the Civil Parties and victims of the Khmer Rouge regime.
The centre has six components, including a library and research hub, website, digital and hard copy archive in line with international standards, multi-purpose venue for organizing workshops and moot courts, consultation and exhibition venue, and a remembrance and reflection space.
Vongsey Vissoth, standing deputy prime minister and minister in charge of the Council of Ministers, said that the government and other stakeholders continued to support the ECCC.
In particular, support was given to wide dissemination of the ECCC archives and the case files of the trial proceedings to the public, students and national and international researchers through the establishment of the resource centre.
ECCC, a hybrid court established in accordance with Cambodian law in 2006, has sentenced senior leaders of the Khmer Rouge regime, formally known as Democratic Kampuchea, and those who were most responsible for the crimes and serious violations during its reign from 1975 to 1979.


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